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Patriarchal law enforcement is constantly finding new ways to acquit perpetrators. So
the question is, what can women be expected to sexually ”consent” to according to it?

Swedish Rose Alliance - a fraudulent organization


In Norway, a recent commission report has proposed that prostitution should be decriminalized when it involves consent, i.e. what they call ”voluntary sex between seller and buyer”. The women’s movement in Norway is of course protesting. But isn’t this exactly what we can soon expect to happen here in Sweden too – after the adoption of the Rape Consent Act?
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The Norwegian commission report is about sex crimes in general, but what has dominated the public debate is the commission’s proposal to decriminalize prostitution in general.
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Norway was one of the first countries in the world to introduce a law criminalizing the purchase in prostitution when they adopted their law in 2009, ten years after Sweden. Their law is also more comprehensive than the Swedish one. Our law only applies to sex purchases within Sweden, but in Norway the law has also criminalized Norwegian men traveling abroad and exploiting women in prostitution in other countries, regardless of whether prostitution is criminalized or not in the other country.
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But now the Norwegian commission is pushing for the law to distinguish between "forced" or "voluntary" prostitution. It’s like taking both the debate and the development back to how it was decades ago, before the Sex Purchase Act existed. What is slightly different in today’s Norwegian debate is that "voluntariness" now is linked to the idea of statutory consent.
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What the commission is proposing is that Norway should decriminalize all "sex purchases that do not involve sexual abuse". Of course, this sounds completely wrong to us who are against prostitution as such – we don’t think there is any prostitution that doesn’t involve sexual abuse. But the sad thing is that their reasoning is quite logical, if we examine what consent laws actually say – and how they can be used in a patriarchy.
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According to rape consent laws, the actual violation in a rape is strictly the absence of consent. What he in fact subjected her to becomes irrelevant when consent is the sole legal basis of the crime. The only thing that legally characterizes a rape then is if it can be proven that the perpetrator realized that she did not want and therefore did not consent to whatever happened.
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If he subjected her to a lot of sexualized violence also becomes uninteresting, since the commission report for the new rape law, at least in Sweden, states that things like BDSM 1. is about consensual sex, and therefore the law should not meddle with that.
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Quote: This is how the focus has shifted from what men in our society actually do to women to what the individual woman "agreed to".  In practice, statutory consent thus becomes the patriarchy’s daydream come true.This is how the focus has shifted from what men in our society actually do to women to what the individual woman "agreed to".
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In practice, statutory consent thus becomes the patriarchy’s daydream come true. For when there is no other limitation on his actions than her lack of consent, then there is nothing in the actual abuse he subjected her to that the court could claim indicated, or proved, that it was an abuse she was subjected to. Then women can legally be expected to consent to anything.
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When the sexual assault then has been rephrased to simply a question of "consent", why would society be against prostitution as such? If the only thing important here is the woman’s consent?
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Moreover, "prostitution" is hardly even talked about anymore. In the public debate, "buying sex" is discussed, and "sellers" or "buyers" – as if we were talking about a "service" among others to "trade" with.
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At that point, we have come far way from talking about what men actually do to women in patriarchy.
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I every now and then quote the American feminist Kathleen Barry, who already at Roks (the National Organization for Women’s Shelters and Young Women’s Shelters in Sweden) international conference on porn in 1990 told us about what happened in the US when feminists tried to highlight how men abuse women:
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"In the United States – the very symbol of liberal individualism – this development meant that the more we refused to be sexually objectified, the more society, the law and public debate came to focus on the issue of consent."
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This is how the responsibility for the oppression is shifted onto the woman. And then it’s time for patriarchy to take the next step.
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When consent has become the essential, then they have also gained a new weapon to silence feminists’ fight against men’s sexualized violence. Then they can claim women’s right to consent to just about anything – including severe oppression of women.
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It is based on this development we can understand what is happening in Norway now.
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– The Sex Purchase Act is a violation of the right to consent, is now the claim from several debaters from PION – a Norwegian lobby organization similar to the Swedish Rose Alliance. 2.
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They also declare that the feminists in Norwegian Kvinnefronten and Kvinnegruppa Ottar are depriving "sex sellers" of their "competence to consent". They are supported in their opposition to the Sex Purchase Act by organizations such as Amnesty International and several political parties, such as the populist right in the Fremskrittspartiet and the liberals in Venstre.
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Even in the concerted preparations for the International Woman’s Day in Oslo, some organizations for several years now have been pushing for that it is high time for the women’s movement to stop being against all prostitution – that it is time to skip the demand to retain the Sex Purchase Act.
Osynlig rutaQuote: But the thing is that both consent and reciprocity are concepts that must be problematized in relation to oppression. The most fundamental part of feminist analysis is the understanding of gender and power.
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I fully understand everyone who, when they first hear about statutory consent, lets themselves be fooled. The basis of great sex is that it is reciprocal. But the thing is that both consent and reciprocity are concepts that must be problematized in relation to oppression.
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The most fundamental part of feminist analysis is the understanding of gender and power. That we live in a society built on a gendered power structure. And what consequences this has for everything in our society – including how the patriarchal legal system will interpret what women can be expected to "consent" to.
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We are living in a culture that is permeated by stories about how women want it themselves: consenting to whatever men want to do to us. Porn is an evient example of this, but the same is said in books, films, lyrics, and what not. When such a society imposes a law that says that it doesn’t matter what someone in power does to someone who is subordinate, the only restriction being the victim’s consent, then it is quite obvious that in practice this means that women, without any other restriction in the law, can be expected to consent to just about everything.
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By even getting some feminists to demand statutory consent, the patriarchy has tricked all women inte falling for a clever trap.
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This is why reading about what’s happening in Norway now makes me so sad. Because this is exactly the development that we warned about, when consent was introduced into our rape legislation.
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But many feminists didn’t realize it then, and I fear many also won’t understand how what’s happening in Norway now correspond to the notion of statutory consent.
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So, the fact that patriarchy is constantly trying to conceal what men actually do to women in our society, and instead puts the responsibility on the victim, that’s what makes it so incredibly important to defend our laws "Kvinnofrid" (Gross violation of a woman’s integrity act) and the Sex Purchase Act, because those are the only laws that say that regardless of her eventual consent, the perpetrator may not do whatever he wants to a woman anyway.
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These are laws that focus on what men do to women in patriarchy.
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Patriarchy has not yet triumphed in Norway. Even in this year’s March 8 demonstration, they still had the slogan against prostitution: Consent cannot be bought – strengthen and use the sex purchase law!
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And still a majority of people in Norway do not want to change the Sex Purchase Law. But almost a quarter do, and quite a few are hesitant. Among women, of course, only 1 in 10 want to change the law, which has the support of about 7 in 10 women.
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But the insight into what statutory consent means can help us understand that what happens in Norway at any time can happen here too.
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It is important that we are prepared for it. Both when it comes to developing and spreading the feminist analysis of what statutory consent means and to encourage us to fight hard to retain these laws!

Gerda Christenson

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This article was first published in Swedish in
Kvinnofronten's Internal Newsletter, no. 1, 2023.

Photo of the hands and bit of arms of a woman resting against a stone wall
The Sex Purchase Act and the Gross violation of a woman’s integrity Act are the only two laws that focus on what men actually do to women in our patriarchal society – they say that regardless of her possible consent, the perpetrator is not allowed to do whatever he wants to a woman anyway.
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Photo: pexels.com
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Listen to the American lawyer Catharine MacKinnon, who in 15 minutes during the Nordic Forum 2014 made a feminist analysis of statutory consent in rape legislation.

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1. BDSM – bondage, domination, sadism and masochism – is a heteronormative, gender-conservative sexual practice where men are usually the "dominant" while women are "submissive" and where the violence is justified by the submissive’s consent. She wanted it herself. In this way, all responsibility is placed on her while he is exonerated, and his violence is not problematized.
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2. The article "Rose Alliance – a fraudulent organization" shows how the prostitution lobby is bluffing when they claim to fight for the rights of "sex workers".

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Small arrow pointing up This article in Swedish

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What is conveyed in a statutory "consent"?
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It is said that consent is good as a norm for sexuality. But the very concept of "consent" implies that there is one party who acts and another party who relates to what the active party does – consenting or not.
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A statutory female "consent" implies men as actively acting and women as passively accepting or not.
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As feminists, we would rather see a norm of women as active sexual subjects, with their own sexual desires.
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Facts about prostitution
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The notion that prostitution is about adult women’s choices is contradicted by facts about prostitution, such as:
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– The average age for girls to debute in prostitution is around 14 years old. The majority of them also have previously been exposed to other sexual abuse.
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– The majority of all women in prostitution state that they do not want it as work, but that they see it as a temporary and unwanted "solution" to survive financially.
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– Decriminalization leads to increased violence against women, including deadly violence. In Germany, where prostitution is legal, 84 women in prostitution were murdered by buyers and pimps between 2002 and 2019. In Sweden, which has a sex purchase law, no prostituted woman was murdered by buyers and pimps during the same period.
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– It is men’s choice to continue to exploit women sexually that is the basis of all prostitution.

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