Invisible square

Swedish flag  Swedish

English flag



Political platform



English flag  Folkaktionen
mot Pornografi

Invisible square(The People's Organisation against Pornography)

Invisible square

Photo: Street manifestation for 6 hours workday with 8 hours pay
Street manifestation for 6 hours work day with 8 hours pay.

Invisible squareThis is what we do
Here is some of the things Kvinnofronten in Sweden fights for and struggles against:

Against Pornography and all kind of Male Sexual Violence
Invisible squareIn Sweden today prostitution is prohibited, but there are few restrictions in law against pornography. Pornography is found everywhere around us in our daily life.
     Since Kvinnofronten started we've struggled against pornography. During the 1980's Kvinnofronten took the initiative to build The People's Organisation against Pornography (Folkaktionen mot Pornografi – FmP) that existed in Sweden between 1985 and 1999. We made a slide lecture that both FmP and Kvinnofronten traveled with all around Sweden. Many women in Kvinnofronten is also engaged in the Women's Shelter movement or against male sexual violence in other ways.
     You can read more about the Swedish struggle against pornography on the Folkaktionen mot Pornografi's web site (you can go there via the menu to the left).

Drawing of household utensils

For Free child day-care centers for children,
6 hour work days and wages one can live on

Invisible square6 hour work days is another demand that Kvinnofronten have made from the beginning. As well as good child day-care centers for children, that should be free of charge. We also fight all attempt to try to change our legal right to abortion. And of course, in a country where women's wages compared to men's have been reduced every year during the last twenty years, we keep fighting for wages to live on.
     In the recent years every day life has become increasingly harder for women, especially working class women. The continuos cut downs in the social services hit all women with low wages hard, not to mention single mothers. The fight against the cut downs in the social services and for a shorter normal work day is more important than ever.

Against the European Union
Invisible squareLike most people in Sweden the members of Kvinnofronten are against the Swedish membership of the European Union. We want Sweden to leave the European Union, and we definitely do not want our country to join the monetary union or the WEU.

Illustration: - In Sweden it's fundamental that all power emerge from the people. 
- Except when the European Union says otherwise... 
© Gerda Christenson
– In Sweden it's fundamental
that all political power emerge from the people.
– Except when the European Union says otherwise...
Invisible square© Gerda Christenson

Invisible squareSince the oppression of women imbue everything in society, it becomes "normal" – so normal that we don't always see it. Instead we often start believing our selves to be wrong or crazy. Therefore we need the support of each other to stand up against the oppression and try to make a change.
     In Kvinnofronten we want to give each other the courage to believe in our selves, to dare more and to see that we can make a change – if we do it together.
     This sisterhood must be regardless of color, ethnicity, religion, age, ability, sexual preference or nation boundaries.

Invisible square

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