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Gloria Steinem: "for the same reason little kids say "it's not fair!!!"
Gloria Steinem: "for the same reason little kids say "it's not fair!!!"
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Want to know more?
Here you can read some of our texts, that are translated into English, and get some information about the Swedish law on abortion.

Animated star The Swedish law allows women who live in other countries to get a self-determined abortion at hospitals in Sweden, but it's not for free. Read more HERE.
Animated star Laws on Sexual Consent – patriarchy's smart scam is an article from our Member's Newsletter analyzing statutory consent.
Animated star Speaking of Prostitution is a Collection of Arguments that we published in English and Finnish in 2013.
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Animated star Swedish Rose Alliance – a fraudelent organization is an article from our Member's Newsletter questioning the prostitution lobby.
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Animated star HERE is our Open Letter to Amnesty International about their plan on changing their policy on prostitution, in February, 2014.
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Animated star HERE you can read Kvinnofrontens Open Letter to UN Women about their note on "sexwork" and trafficking, in October 2013.
Animated star Almost 30 years ago we made a pamphlet about commercial pornography in Sweden (for the People's Action about Pornography). Though it's an old pamphlet it's still quite current, and you can find it HERE.

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© Kvinnofronten 2025.  
e-mail: kvinnofronten@sverige.nu
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