Osynlig ruta
FmP's logotype
mot Pornografi

The People's Organisation against Pornography

Swedish flag Homesite
in Swedish

English flag First Page

English flag History

in English:

Osynlig rutaMenypil  Preface
Osynlig rutaMenypil  The example
Osynlig rutaMenypil  The industry and its product
Osynlig rutaMenypil  The allusion
Osynlig rutaMenypil  The politicians & the Legislation
Osynlig rutaMenypil  Society
Osynlig rutaMenypil  What to do
Osynlig rutaMenypil  About FmP

To The Swedish Women's Front

Commercial Child Pornography in Sweden

In August 1996 the World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children was held in Stockholm, Sweden. Therefore we translated this pamphlet, that was originally written for Swedish readers, and spread it to the international participants.

     The oppression of women and children in and through pornography is international. And the exchange of experiences across borders is one of the prerequisites for a further internationalisation of the struggle against pornography.
     That is why we now also publish the pamphlet Commercial Child Pornography in Sweden – Silenced Knowledge & Obscured Oppression on the web.

     In the menu to the left you find the different chapters and by clicking on the chapter you want to read, you can get there.

Nota bene:
Since the pamphlet was written the Swedish Child Pornography Act has been modified. Since 1999 it is (with a few exceptions) a criminal act to be in possession of Child Pornography. But the Pornography of Allusion is not banned by the law and the Commercial Pornography that uses young teenage girls is not on the agenda at all.