This pamphlet
is not going to deal with what most people in Sweden think of when
they hear the word child pornography; one single perpetrator; a
disturbed, middle-aged man abusing a little boy, filming or photographing
the abuse.
It is for several different reasons
that this is the image that comes up when people in Sweden today
think of child pornography. One reason is the confiscations of large
quantities of child pornography that the police have carried out
during the last few years, and the media's way of reporting on this.
During the 1980s, child pornography was an issue that hardly anyone
discussed, and the confiscations forced people to open their eyes
and realise that child pornography is documentations of child sexual
The image of the isolated perpetrator
corresponds to a very small part with the reality of child pornography,
though. Just as in cases of incest and other forms of child sexual
abuse, the majority of the children who are used in child pornography
are in fact girls. And the isolated perpetrator's documentation
of his abuse constitutes only one section of child pornography.
Far more extensive is the commercial distribution of the glorification
of child sexual abuse that the profit-hungry porn industry is engaged
Most people condemn child sexual
abuse. The mere thought of such acts fill most people with a feeling
of disgust. One imagines the perpetrator as being sick, disturbed,
psychopathic and bestial; in any case very different from normal
men, the men that are close to oneself.
The conception of the consumer of
child pornography as disturbed, sick and/or psychopathic does not
hold water, though, if we look closer at the workings of pornography
and if we see how widespread it is. That is why we want to
bring up the discussion about the commercial, mass distributed pornography,
which reaches an immense number of people, many more than just the
small number of disturbed, isolated perpetrators of the myth. We
are referring to the pornography that is to be found everywhere
around us; in foodstores, at newsagents and in video rental stores.
This sort of pornography, just because it is everywhere, affects
us all. We want to take a close look at the porn industry, what
products they actually sell and what the consequences are.
In this pamphlet we will be looking
at commercial pornography from the viewpoint of how it depicts children
and sexual abuse.
Stockholm, August 1996
mot Pornografi
(The People's Organisation against Pornography)