Kvinnofronten The Women's front in Sweden
was established in 1977. Right from the beginning we built the organization
around our political platform of concrete demands, but of course the platform
has been changed from time to time during the years.

is a politically independent, nation-wide feminist activist organisation.
We try to rouse public opinion against the oppression of women. We do it by
starting consciousness-raising groups, making pamphlets, holding speeches,
making street theatres, arranging demonstrations or whatever activities
our local groups want to do. We are a small, but important, feminist group
in Sweden.

has no traditional council, since we've choosed to have a horizontal organization.
Instead we have a number of groups with different responsibilities; such as
our newsletter group, our iT-group, our summer camp group and whatnot.

summer we use to arrange a summer camp, where women can rest, sun-bathe, cook,
take long walks, train feminist self defense, listen to lectures, argue and
laugh together.

the rest of the year women from different parts of our country can keep debating
via our internet forum, our e-mail lists, and our newsletter "
word is yours, sister!".

using the menue this above you can read our political platform and see some
of the things we do or have done.