• Work for everyone No to women as reserve
labour supply
• Appreciate women's labour wages should
be based on work, not on sex
• 6 hour work days for everyone with 8 hour
• Make the terms of women pensioners visible
an old-age pension to live on
• Good day-care, free of charge, for all children
• At least half of all school resources and
time should favour the girls
• Better social services stop the cut
• Health care is a human right, not a trade
• Every woman's right to her own sexuality
heterosexuals as well as lesbians
• Lesbian struggle against invisibility
and discrimination appreciate women's love for women
• Defend women's right to legal abortion
• Women's right to health make women
visible in health care, working life and science
• Fight the victimization of women and girls
• Stop men's sexual violence rape, battery,
incest and other sexual abuse are actions of terror
• Smash the porn industry for a sexuality
without humiliation
• Fight prostitution against all national
and international trafficking
• Reveal all women-hating ideas in a society
based on male power and female subordination
• Make the situation of refugee and immigrant
women visible
• Against sexism, racism, fascism and all ideologies
based on power/subordination
• All people's and state's right to freedom
and national self-determination
• Defend our democratic human rights
• Sweden out of the European Union
• Freedom from all sexual violence
• Abolish patriarchy
• 50% women where decisions are made
allocation of quotas in the benefit of women
• A women's perspective on economy and ecology
against nuclear power and environmental pollution
• Appreciate women's choice of women
make women's friendship and network visible